
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Nanny State

John Stossel sees a real danger in the food police. An excerpt:

New York City has ordered restaurants to stop selling food made with trans fat. "It is a dangerous and unnecessary ingredient," says the health commissioner. Gee, I'm all for good health, but shouldn't it be a matter of individual choice?

A New York Times headline about the ban reads: "A Model for Other Cities."

"A model for what, exactly?" asks George Mason University economist Don Boudreaux. "Petty tyranny? Or perhaps for similarly inspired bans on other voluntary activities with health risks? Clerking in convenience stores? Walking in the rain?"


  1. Glad I found your blog! Stossel has been doing some great work.

  2. Thanks for dropping by. I agree with your view on Stossel. He covers some topics that many of his associates wouldn't touch.
