
Monday, February 19, 2007

Customer Service: The Weakest Link

We all have one of these.

Phil Gerbyshak relates a customer service disaster. An excerpt:

Phone rings once and someone at the restaurant picks up:

Pizza phone boy: "Hello."

Hungry Customer: "Hi is this [insert chain here]?"

PPB: "Uh huh."

HC: "I ordered a pizza 45 minutes ago. Can you tell me if it's left your store yet?"

PPB: "Uh yeah. What's your name?"

HC: "Gerbyshak. Phil Gerbyshak."

PPB: "Our driver broke down. He's got your pizza."

HC: "So my pizza is in some delivery driver's car? Do you have any idea when I'll get my pizza."

PPB: "Uh, hold on." hands phone to Pizza Restaurant Manager.

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