
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Update on Michael Wade’s Blog

To all of Execupundit’s loyal readers,

Michael remains hospitalized for observation and is expecting to be released on Friday. We are anticipating his return to the Blog as soon as possible thereafter. Please check back this weekend for new posts.

Again, thank you so much for all of your well wishes.

Erica Johnson
Website Manager


  1. Observation. The Michael watch. Will be great to have you back up and operational Mr. Wade. Continued good thoughts. E.

  2. Erica's post did not make clear who is observing who. I suspect Michael is gathering notes for future blog posts with titles like "The Problem with Hospital Dessert Delivery." Get better soon, Michael!

  3. ... who is observing whom....

  4. Friday's always a good day to end one project, leaving Saturday for a quick, but relaxing overview and Sunday, a day to re-mount that horse/bicylce/Harley.

    The best to you, Michael.

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Michael.
