
Friday, March 30, 2012

Miscellaneous and Fast

"Yes, Prime Minister" is coming back.
NashvilleBizician looks at where music is heading.
A Simple, Village Undertaker knows how to pack for a vacation.
The trailer for "Billy Liar."
Robert Samuelson on the media and medicare.
Ann Althouse goes after what passes for deep thought at Esquire magazine.
The Hammock Papers has an observation about your dreams.
The trailer for "Night and the City."


  1. The return of "Yes, Prime Minister" will be either a great cultural event, or a travesty. There is no middle of the line.

    As an aside, I've always regretted the US never ripped off the "Yes, Minister" series as they did so many other British Comedies. Maybe if this takes off we'll have "Yes, Senator" coming on must-see-tv.

  2. Dan,

    Here's hoping this one is worthy.

