
Monday, July 30, 2012

Thoughts on the Olympics

I've been watching bits and pieces of the Olympics. [If the viewing is not rationed one can wake up in a daze and find large chunks of a day have passed.]

It struck me how much the athletes who are in a sport or event that has indisputable measures have a huge advantage. For example, if you are swimming the butterfly, there will rarely be any argument over which swimmer comes in first. On the other hand, if you are in synchronized diving, the judges may apply fairly subjective takes on how well you did. Some of their judging may even be determined by where they sat. The judges can strive for fairness and yet the nature of the sport has far more art than other endeavors. As with the famous definition of obscenity, you may know it when you see it but a clear definition is elusive.

Consider how much of your job falls into that territory.

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