
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Benghazi: How Not to Handle a Crisis

A Benghazi timeline through October 24 and more, of course, is coming out.

When I revise my crisis management workshop, which currently includes examination of the Cuban Missile Crisis; Exxon Valdez spill; Bhopal, India gas disaster; and Tylenol tampering cases, Benghazi is going in as a textbook example of how to screw up before, during, and after a crisis.

It demonstrates a stunning level of ineptitude.


  1. Clearly the time has past when reasonable people might disagree.
    Nevertheless I still have a different take.

    We can mark this one up to another case of agreeing to disagree.

  2. John,

    I find that link far from persuasive. We will have to agree to disagree.


  3. When studying the Cuban missile crisis, I think you should view The Fog of War if you haven't seen it.

    Some fascinating revelations from Robert McNamara.

    Also includes his examination, and self examination, of the conduct of the Vietnam war.

    Excellent film.

    - Jeff

  4. Jeff,

    McNamara is a great example of how a very bright guy can make some very poor decisions. I also like David Halberstam's "The Best and The Brightest."

    The Bay of Pigs is another fascinating example. The conversation between Dean Acheson and JFK on that operation is classic.


  5. CincyCat7:33 PM

    I find this whole debacle to be a stunning example of "the buck stops here" mentality versus "it's his/her fault (I didn't know anything about it...)".

  6. CincyCat,

    It is not looking good. I suspect that if there were any good news we would have heard it by now.

