
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Staring at Some Items on My Home Office Wall

The famous "Pie in the Sky" photo by Howard Berman. A framed piece of barbed wire from my grandfather's farm. An impressionistic nude. A Maxfield Parrish print. A stunning color photo of the Arizona desert. An old family picture of a foot race in the 1920s. A print of Mr. Pickwick and his friends boarding a stagecoach. A picture my dad took of a Mexican fishing boat on the Sea of Cortez. An old picture of the mayor of Phoenix signing an International Year of Disabled Persons proclamation when I was the EEO Administrator for the City. A photo of the Alamo from a friend in Texas. A French World War I citation, signed by Marshal Petain, honoring the American Marines.

Sometimes, more is more.


  1. Sounds eclcectic. E.

  2. You should post a picture. That sounds great. No wonder you are so interesting! Even your freaking walls are.

  3. Ben,

    I'll have to think about that.


