
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Taking Our Best Advice

Our lives would be vastly improved if we took our own best advice.

We sit in seminars and think, "I knew that. Why haven't I been doing it?" When we counsel others, there may be moments when we are also directing the remarks to ourselves. We have the unlimited capacity to write "notes from home" requesting exemptions from the inconvenient and arduous. Since we also answer those requests, they are often granted.

I say "often" because there is a punishment component that operates in the opposite direction. When in that mode, we can shudder at our ancient blunders long after some internal statute of limitations should have applied. There are times when we easily forgive others about conduct for which we condemn ourselves.

The answer rests in neither extreme but in a balance between the easy excuses and the eternal reproaches. Finding that is the challenge.

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