
Friday, August 23, 2013

When the Workplace is Strange

The big picture caused us to miss the small. He liked to rehash the past so every two weeks the rest of us could feel what major surgery is like. Rushing will slow us down. Our solutions may be worse than the original problem. The only thing that our meetings accomplished was to reveal that all of us are dumber than one of us. You might say that our failure to decide was our best decision. They swore they wanted a class but what they really want is control. She doesn't take a vacation because it will be too stressful. He's very good at handling crises and if none are available he'll create a few. He was given an award for managing around a group of people who should have been fired years ago. She was so polite to him that we concluded they must not get along. You thought it was a clear order but Tom thought it was a suggestion, Fred said it was an idea, and Mary didn't hear the word "not." The motivational speech was demoralizing. It took roughly five months for each of the bold, new, leaders to realize that their predecessors weren't incompetent. We learned that if you want to hide something, put it in the minutes. She didn't have time to complete the project because we sent her to a time management class. He was a weasel before he was hired, he's been a weasel throughout his time in that position, and yes, you can bet that he'll be a weasel after...he gets promoted. 

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