
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

There are Rules and There are Rules

Is it a real rule that must be obeyed or one which can be ignored if it is inconvenient or the violator is popular or on our side or has somehow turned the breaking of the rule into a benefit for us? Does it conflict with another rule? Does it reflect what the organization hoped to achieve when the rule was adopted? How much support does it have? Will it create many enemies if enforced?

Never assume that a rule will be enforced.


  1. All rules are flexible, until you enter the courtroom, where the inflexibility of rules is clearly defined, where you either followed the rule or you didn't, regardless of the severity your behaviour can tarnish your character, enhance it, or rationally explain it. It would seem that mostly the success of the explanation is directly proportional to the amount spent on counsel.

  2. Bob,

    That can happen although I've known some public defenders who were pretty good.

