
Thursday, June 19, 2014

21 Thoughts on Office Politics

  1. Remember that the trick is to fight the weasels without becoming one.
  2. Don't be too clever by half.
  3. Recognize that getting a job and doing it well are two different things.
  4. Hone your skills. Constantly.
  5. Don't expect people to have long memories about good things.
  6. Don't expect fairness.
  7. Suffer fools gladly and realize that not all of them are fools.
  8. Listen to everyone but decide for yourself.
  9. Get an advisor who has been around the block.
  10. Avoid rash comments and sarcasm. They get repeated.
  11. Know your strengths and weaknesses, especially the latter.
  12. Associate with positive people.
  13. Read the minutes.
  14. Build a reputation for reliability.
  15. Know when and how to say no.
  16. Keep your word.
  17. Beware of dubious allies.
  18. Walk away from potentially embarrassing circumstances.
  19. Watch your ego.
  20. Learn what is really wanted for certain jobs. [It might not be excellence.]
  21. Notice more than you comment on and care more than you let on.

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