
Monday, June 16, 2014

LGBT Executive Order

Monday, the White House announced Obama will sign an executive order that would prohibit federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Read the rest of the Politico article here

Aside from questions about powers under the Constitution, that is the sort of issue which is better handled politically via legislation than through an executive order. 

Expect to hear much more on that aspect.

1 comment:

  1. When one man can both effectively pass law and execute it, there remains little need of Congress.

    Historically those who set precedents of overturning established checks and balances do so for popular and reasonable purposes. However once those checks have been overturned, others later use the precedence of executive fiat for their own ends.

    I wonder if the America of our great-grandchildren will be puzzled why there ever was a legislative branch.
