
Friday, September 19, 2014

When The World Closes In

Work. Count your blessings. Pray. Break tasks into small portions. Seek help. Delay the unessential. Reduce your appointments. Focus on little pleasures. Sleep. Shine your shoes. Drink more water. Take a walk. Take a bath. Ride a bicycle. Memorize a poem. Slow down. Savor the elements. Turn off the news. Watch a funny movie. Make a great cup of coffee. Visit a dog. Vacuum a room. Call a friend. Paint a picture. Write a thank you note. Get out of town. Watch the birds. Find a quiet spot. Complete a task which has been gnawing at you. Study the sky. Slowly read a great novel. Go to a park. Rein in your imagination. Sit quietly and let every muscle relax, Listen to life. Know that you mean a great deal to others. Breathe deeply. Be mindful. Help someone.

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