
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Driving Back

I left the Tucson area and drove back to Phoenix through an impressive rainstorm yesterday. Even the truckers started getting cautious as visibility declined. I followed their tracks through the haze, all the while listening to NPR gushing about recognition of the thugs in Havana. The storm was especially bad around Picacho Peak and it was tempting to get off the highway but I forged on. Better now, I thought, than when it gets dark. 

There is an effort afoot to reopen passenger rail service between Phoenix and Tucson. I'd be on that in a flash. Of course they'll ruin the experience by forbidding the smoking of fine cigars. 

The rain let up as I neared Phoenix. Scores of poor devils were heading south to The Old Pueblo. 

They were in for it.


  1. LA Grant9:20 AM

    I have driven desert rainstorms, and they can be very interesting.

    I don't know what to make of the Cuba thing. Sometimes I think the rule of this administration is just to do the opposite like a rebellious child.

    I wonder: Cui bono? Investor friends? Harry Reid's buddies in the casino biz? Does he just want a cheap Carib vacation?

    Has he ever met a socialist he doesn't like? If you can think of one, please let me know.

    (BTW I like the new captcha better.)

  2. Larry,

    "Interesting" is an understatement.

    As for Cuba, I mainly wonder about the timing and the contents of the deal. The European and Canadian trade has failed to change the regime.

    The captcha was Blogger's doing. Glad you like it.

