
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Observations at an Event

I see two people who are intensely absorbed in not acknowledging the presence of the other person. In the back of the room is a former power broker. Once upon a time, he would have been surrounded. Now he sits alone in a corner. I'd love to read his mind. One man entered with his wife and then abandoned her so he could glad-hand. [She is experienced and hides her seething well but not quite well enough.] This is one of those events which few people want to attend and yet where, given certain connections, one is expected to "put in an appearance." Unfortunately, once the ceremonial portion begins, it is difficult to escape without being noticed. One brave soul did and I admired his chutzpah. You could see the others looking at him not with scorn but with envy. I mentally traced his walk to the parking lot and that alone brought some relief. The chairs! They eventually turn on you. Your thoughts drift and you know that others are also taking imaginary trips to Tahiti, Paris, and Rangoon but some probably just long for a restroom.

Blessed are the speakers who keep their remarks brief. 

Damned are those who promise to be brief and are not.

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