
Monday, January 19, 2015

Sportsmanship Question

A high school basketball team wins a game 161-2 and the winning coach is suspended.

I confess to having several reactions:
  1. You don't want to rub it in but you also don't want to insult the other team by treating them in a condescending manner. [I recall playing on some losing Little League baseball teams. Losing by a huge amount would have been better than feeling that the other team was just toying with us.]
  2. Why did they suspend the coach? Couldn't they have simply had a conversation about it? Does everything need to be formalized?
  3. One of the article's comments had a good point: At what point does the lead become "running up the score?" Is it at 50 points? 75 points? 103 points?
  4. This is a sport. Some days you lose big. When you do, you don't boo-hoo about it. You work on getting better.
  5. If they take the right lessons from this, the players on the losing team may eventually benefit far more than the ones on the winning team.

[HT: Drudge Report]

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