
Friday, December 23, 2016

Last Minute Shopping

Now is the season of our discontent.

Not aimed at Christmas, of course. I'm a Christmas fan straight out of Dickens: ["Spend like Scrooge. Look like Marley." - Unsolicited observation.]

But this is the day when the yet unpurchased gifts come to mind. That sort of discontent.

My wife, for the first time in a while, requested a particular gift. I nodded, told her that was an excellent idea, and then promptly forgot about it. Fortunately, some primal survival instinct eventually kicked in and said, "Hey, you." 

The present is now in hand along with - among other things - the file folders she requested. [That's true. She asked for file folders. Of course, I spared no expense.]

Anyway, there is one gap on the family list which needs filling.

The clock is ticking. 

Two options: The bookstore or the liquor store.



  1. Just made my last purchase. Next year I will start earlier. There is always next year.

    Merry Christmas, Michael.


  2. Kurt,

    My wife and I just wrapped up our shopping. It was relatively painless.

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

