Monday, December 22, 2014

Gifts: When Giving or Receiving

  1. Odds are that whenever someone says, "You don't need to get me a gift," you should get them a gift.
  2. Children would rather have many small gifts than one big one. So would adults. Much of the joy is in the opening.
  3. Everyone, regardless of age, likes a "toy." The type just needs to be upgraded as people grow older.
  4. This seems obvious but isn't: You should give a gift which the recipient will like, not one which you would like. I speak from experience as a giver and receiver.
  5. A gift doesn't have to be expensive to be great. One of my favorite possessions is a used copy of Bleak House which was given to me years ago. [That kind person had impeccable taste.] Worry less about price than about quality.
  6. The gift should show that you put some thought into the selection but don't get too clever. If your selection choice requires a three-page explanation, you probably went far afield.
  7. When receiving a gift, always act appreciative even if you are not wild about the present or already have it.
  8. On the other hand, don't be offended if you sense a recipient isn't thrilled. Gift-giving is hard and there should be no insult if they decide to return it to the store. It is indeed the thought that counts.
  9. People frequently drop hints about potential presents. Jot some notes whenever you hear one. [I'm amazed when close family members say they don't know what I'd like. They must have missed the PowerPoint presentations.]
  10. Never give anything of questionable taste. Period.
  11. Keep a list of the presents which you've given to people. If you think you'll always remember them, you're in for a surprise.
  12. Remember that there is the pleasure of giving as well as receiving. Celebrate both.


CincyCat said...

I chuckled when I saw #2. My husband and I usually buy several "filler" items (inexpensive books, puzzles, games, etc.) and wrap them all individually for the kids to open. The tree looks amazing, and the kids love opening all the presents!

Michael Wade said...


Every parent knows that is true! The kids don't think of the price. They want the experience.
