Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Beautifully Written


It's Time to Review Definitions

 If you believe elementary and high schools are supposed to be preparing students to become productive citizens, then current events illustrate that your expectations are not being met. 

If you believe that public colleges and universities are supposed to be institutionally neutral, then a visit to the departmental webpages is in order. Many departments are far from neutral. The idea that campuses are places where Truth is a central value is risible.

In short, the definitions and images of several decades ago are no longer in place.

The good news is that a movement to restore the quality of those institutions is growing.

Social Manias Die Quietly

My sense is they die very quietly, slowly and tacitly. That is, they die when people stop talking about them. They do not die because people in power reverse their positions in public. Regardless of what the particular mania was, you’ll never hear any apologies or recognition from the people who went nuts. They’ll never disavow their past beliefs or actions.

Lionel Shriver is on target.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Our Chaotic Job Search System

 I remember when I left the Army many years ago. I searched for a variety of jobs. Had degrees in Government and Law, great experience from the military, and had written a well-received book on the Arizona Right to Work Law.

In close to one year's time, I had four job interviews.

Just four. 

With the fourth, I finally landed a job.

An experience like that stays with you. 

My advice to those of you who are searching for jobs is don't give up hope. The way jobs are filled is often hit-and-miss and grossly illogical.

Life Advice