callus on the palm of an unknown woodcutter was more important in
Arizona's development than a notch on Wyatt Earp's gun. I believe
the shovel was a lot more important than the six-gun. I believe the
church was more important than the gambling hall. I believe that an
immigrant's wagon being ferried across the Colorado River on the
trail from Utah to Arizona was more important than a stagecoach
robbery anywhere. I believe the tiny wisp of smoke from a prospec-
tor's forge on the desert was more important to Arizona's develop-
ment than all the gunsmoke at the O. K. Corral. And I believe that
when Barry Goldwater's grandfather opened a sack of beans because
some miner was hungry, that was more important than when another
"bucket of blood" opened on Whisky Row in Prescott or Brewery
Gulch in Bisbee ....
I wish the movies and TV shows would present this side of west-
ern history.
Bert Fireman
Arizona Pioneers Reunion
Phoenix, Arizona
April 12, 1958
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