Thursday, April 26, 2012

Helpful Questions

  1. What is the other side's argument?
  2. How soon does this have to be done?
  3. And then what?
  4. What will be the challenge once this goal is achieved?
  5. It's legal and we can do it, but is it the right thing to do?
  6. If this doesn't work out, what will be the likely reason for the failure?
  7. What are the costs?
  8. Where are we going to get the money?
  9. How well do you know this person?
  10. Is there any part of this project that makes you uneasy?
  11. How do we benefit from this?
  12. Can the process be simplified?
  13. Are our priorities in order?
  14. Is the timing right?
  15. How will this look?
  16. What is the worst case scenario?
  17. What are our assumptions?
  18. What do we know?
  19. What don't we know?
  20. Do we have sufficient resources?
  21. What can go slowly and what must move quickly?

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