Thursday, January 08, 2015

Quote of the Day

It is strange and quite illogical that creativeness should, in the public mind, be linked to long hair and dirty fingernails instead of grey flannel suits and pin-stripe trousers. It is not a rare human attribute like telepathy or double-jointed knees; it is quite a normal quality like intelligence or manual skill, which most children possess in some degree, as any teacher of five-year-olds will tell you. If most teachers of eighteen-year-olds would question it, that is a reflection of our method of education, not on children. A great many managers are in fact creative people, but people are liable to balk at the idea because they do not look like painters or poets. Nor do most good painters and poets, for that matter, but there is a pre-Raphaelite stereotype which creative people are expected to conform to. 

- Antony Jay


Dan in Philly said...

Excellent quote. I'll be keeping this one, thanks.

Michael Wade said...


I'm glad you like it. The passage comes from his book, "Management and Machiavelli."
