Cool breezes. Coyote scat by the garbage containers. Irrigation expected this weekend. I decided to mow the front yard. Neighbors were out walking their dogs. Have been outlining my upcoming Substack posts. Stopped by a bookstore earlier today and was stunned at the prices of some new hardcover books. Forty dollars? Remembering back to the 8th grade when I bought a paperback copy of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich for $1.25 and thought it to be terribly expensive. A friend in New Orleans sent me a note about the Turok, Son of Stone comic books. I recalled that the series had lizard people.
One cannot always read Tolstoy.
I'm ready for September and a visit to my favorite used bookstore.
I love the idea of an old bookstore. Most of them have disappeared. I hope you find a nook to hide away and read something nice/interesting/joyful.
There's a great one down the street. An old place where they keep the books very well organized. I have a permanent discount because I've given them so many books!
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