In 2015, a video of students shouting at Yale professor, Nicholas Christakis, went viral on social media. His crime? Being married to a woman who questioned whether Yale diversity administrators should be telling students what to wear on Halloween. This episode was mocked, yet it marked the beginning - not the end - of a cultural revolution that has since swamped the West. Just as political correctness was written off as a fad in the early '90s, we should be skeptical of optimists who assert that woke illiberalism is exiting stage left. When Robert MacNeil declared to a young Dinesh D'Souza on the MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour in June 1991 that political correctness "has already begun to pass" due to its excesses being ridiculed in the press, D'Souza wisely replied that while it was "somewhat on the defensive," the proponents of PC were "not a handful of radicals" but rather "institutionalized ... [representing the] establishment."
- From The Third Awokening: A 12-Point Plan for Rolling Back Progressive Extremism by Eric Kaufmann
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