Sunday, March 26, 2006

"Cool-Pose Culture"

Orlando Patterson examines the harm that the “cool-pose culture” has had on young black men.

An excerpt:

An anecdote helps explain why: Several years ago, one of my students went back to her high school to find out why it was that almost all the black girls graduated and went to college whereas nearly all the black boys either failed to graduate or did not go on to college. Distressingly, she found that all the black boys knew the consequences of not graduating and going on to college ("We're not stupid!" they told her indignantly).

So why were they flunking out? Their candid answer was that what sociologists call the "cool-pose culture" of young black men was simply too gratifying to give up. For these young men, it was almost like a drug, hanging out on the street after school, shopping and dressing sharply, sexual conquests, party drugs, hip-hop music and culture, the fact that almost all the superstar athletes and a great many of the nation's best entertainers were black.

This is reminiscent of points made by Myron Magnet in his book,
The Dream and the Nightmare: The Sixties’ Legacy to the Underclass.

[Hat tip:
Ann Althouse ]

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