Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Circling the Project

Nature's Circle Experts

I like to circle projects, see them from all sides, and probe the weak spots. It can be vital to know what the critics will say before they say it and whether their points will have merit. My own assumptions need to be questioned and I'm wary of those times when passion may be obscuring reality.

In other words, this approach does not resemble a straight line. It's more like a series of recon patrols.

The practice can appear somewhat odd, even to myself. It's important that each circle bring me closer to the goal and that the circling not become a rut. Time is another important consideration. Some projects permit little or no circling. You have to go right to the main issue and neutralize the negatives. Circling can be a luxury.

But when it is possible, there are many benefits. The greatest is insight.

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