Friday, October 19, 2012

Board Meeting Index

Number of Members Present: 20
Those Who've Read Minutes of the Previous Meeting: 11
Those Who Carefully Read the Minutes:  5
Vote to Approve the Minutes: 20


CincyCat said...

Ain't that the truth?? We moved to a consent agenda 2 years ago, and it has saved a ton of time in meetings.

It's a double-edged sword (you don't want to miss something important), but they sure do save time.

The team all gets fair warning 3 days out that if they don't speak up with questions/concerns, we'll vote on all routine matters en masse at the meeting.

Now, something that used to take nearly 2 hours of meeting time is over and done with in less than 2 minutes (and we can move on to bigger fish...).

Michael Wade said...


It has always amazed me how much time can be consumed by minor items if care is not taken.
