Friday, December 14, 2012

The Importance of "And"

Consider A and B separately and you have not measured the significance of the "and" in "A and B." It may be neutral or it may produce a plus or a minus. Introduce C and the situation becomes even more complicated.

[People on large boards may groan at board members who merely warm the chairs and say nothing and yet their silence may be better than active involvement if the board is too large. There is wisdom in the saying that too many cooks spoil the broth.]

You can talk to A and B together and still miss the full measure of the "and" because, in that scenario, you have become C. What can be clarified is that A and B have the responsibility to make the "and" a positive feature since it may be an inherent part of their work.

Few of us can succeed as hermits. Our days are filled with "ands."

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