Friday, September 27, 2013

Time Management Tip: Celebrities

It was quite a while back when I began to make a conscious effort to avoid stories about celebrities. I stand in line at the grocery store and see tabloid headlines shouting about this person's daring bikini and that person's fifth divorce.I have little or no knowledge of those people; in many cases that chore can be left to the receptionist at the Betty Ford Clinic.

This gap provides some amusement to younger members of my family. "You don't know who (celebrity name) is?"

No, I don't nor do I care to make that acquaintance. Why mess with the tabloid fodder when you can spend time with Mr. Micawber, Long John Silver, Tom Sawyer, Atticus Finch, Augustus McCrae, Captain Ahab, Jane Eyre, Jack Aubrey, Robert Merivel and a host of others?

They are far better company and time with them is well spent. They have much more to teach.


Dan in Philly said...

The younger generations don't know what they're missing. I'm not certain we can do any more about it than King Canute could about the tide washing in.

Paula said...

I get my kicks in reality. The riders of Valley Metro provide endless fascination. I'm so glad I moved to Tempe!

Michael Wade said...


I think you're right.


Valley Metro is a novel!
