Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Random Thoughts

Flawed people cause problems and flawed people solve them.The idea that we should reform ourselves before reforming the world is a formula for paralysis because personal reformation is never-ending. A constant chore in any civilized society is to keep the barbarians from setting fire to the library. The Catch-22 of politics is that achieving high office often demands the sort of conduct which makes one unworthy of it. Many workplaces suffer enormously from people talking past one another. When considering perspectives gained from experience, we should not forget that more rich people have been poor than poor people have been rich. Organizations underestimate the damage done, both at work and in the home lives of employees, by an abusive boss. There are non-believers who advocate their "religion" as strongly as the most strident believers advocate theirs. Having short bursts of work can be more productive than forcing yourself to stare at a work bench or a computer screen for hours. Who among us has not envied birds? Change may not be possible until enough problems accumulate but beware of any person who intentionally creates problems in order to produce change. A sense of urgency is surprisingly absent in places where you'd think it would be paramount. Those who are advocating reforms in education should realize that people have been sold snake oil on that stage for years. When you denounce people who are judgmental, aren't you being judgmental? The sea of easily available information is dangerous if the sailors lack a compass. A leader needs to provide an accurate description of what is standing in front of the group. A great leader works with team members so all can learn together and spot issues which had been missed before. Be on the alert for three things every week: fatigue, drift, and ingratitude.

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