Thursday, May 21, 2015

Beyond the Campfire

The search for solutions to a problem can be thwarted by an early crush on a particular course of action.

Concluding that "This is the one and only way" can keep us from finding others which are just as good if not better. 

[In fact, if you want to spur your associates to come up with alternatives, try telling them "This is the one and only way" and watch their response. You may find yourself swimming in alternatives.]

If you don't believe there are other solutions, listen to your senses. This is far from scientific but have you ever noticed how often you suspect there is another approach just outside of your current view? 

Go beyond the comfort of your intellectual campfire and you'll find it.


Wally Bock said...

A client of mine, Bob Moesta, goes further. Bob believes that if you go into a situation with a theory about what they problem is or what action to take, you wind up trying to support your theory. If you're facing a problem, use some form of formal problem identification system to determine what you've got. If you're considering a couple of courses of action, design an experiment to see what might happen if you choose one or the other.

Michael Wade said...


Very interesting!

And the more scars we have, the better we are at those experiments.
