Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Game of Management

In the game of management, if a player is not tackled by the opposing team there is the possibility that the tackle may be made by the player's own team mates or, as is often the case, by the player himself. Forward motion is sometimes penalized unless it has received a slight nod from the coach who may be on or near the bench or far up in the bleachers. The coach often has only a superficial notion of what the players do - some coaches go for long lunches - but that doesn't prevent the calling in of plays; indeed, the coach is often regarded by players as their most formidable adversary and many mutter that more games would be won if the coach were not present. The referees usually have no love for the game and in many instances are rewarded if they make the game more difficult. For some teams, the plays are the main reward and the actual scoring of points is optional. Others focus solely on scoring and care little for rule violations or injuries. Goal posts are shifted for no apparent reason. More so than with other sports, the spectators think the game is much easier than it is.

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