Saturday, July 25, 2015

Whither NIcknames?

Cultural Offering explores the issue.

My life has been filled with nicknames for friends and relatives: Bull, Mort, Rigg, Luz, Barboo, Ziffle, Aardvark, Derf, etc. It's been like a Damon Runyon story.

By college, it was common to use last names although I can recall Toad, The Ma, and Jack Whose Real Name is Pat. I remember one girl in college who was stunningly beautiful but had such a formal demeanor that she was known as Charles Laughton. ["Hey, Charles Laughton is at the library."]

My work life had fewer nicknames: "GGTDM" is the only one that quickly comes to mind. It borrowed from The Gong Show and stood for Gene Gene The Dancing Machine

My own nickname? I believe it was "Excellency" but my memory may be hazy.

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