Saturday, October 15, 2016


The research lures you in with questions and as you find answers more questions emerge and so you continue to search and with each bit of information you slowly develop a feel so it is not just your mind that is searching but your skin and that enables you to sense items hitherto missed and ask, "What's this?" and "Does that make sense?" The more this is done the more you start to see patterns and exceptions to patterns.

And those are treasure chests, hidden under the sand, just waiting for you.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of an article and a whole series of links to chase from this simple question:
> What is it like to understand advanced mathematics? I'm interested to hear what very talented mathematicians and physicists have to say about "what it's like" to have an internalized sense of very advanced mathematical concepts. As someone who only completed college calculus and physics, and has some basic CS background, but who is very intrigued by mathematics, I've always been curious about this. Does it feel analogous to having mastery of another language like in programming or linguistics? Any honest, candid insights will be appreciated!.

I found the answer fascinating:


Michael Wade said...


Very interesting.

I believe that regardless of the subject, we strive to build up our instincts. We may not always know exactly why our instincts tell us certain things but they are based on our experience and are not wild guesses.

As for their accuracy, I have found that a sense that something is wrong is usually far more accurate than a sense that something is right. This may stem from primal instincts passed down from ancestors who learned how to survive but a warning deserves more attention than a positive hunch.
