Friday, August 14, 2020

There Should Be No Meetings on Friday

photo of dining table and chairs inside room

There should be no meetings on Friday. 

The day is too good to waste on motions and seconds and votes and whether Carson got a promotion or Jane's moving to Baltimore or Maria is going to quit and go for a PhD. 

Fridays should be sacred. 

People like Saturday mornings but, let's face it, they are feeble substitutes for Friday and they're often filled with chores and errands and always, always, lurking in the back is the impending Sunday with its reproach for time poorly spent.

Sunday is like being strapped to a gurney and you know that wherever they take you won't be fun.

But Fridays are kind and full of promise. Even if you screw them up you still have the weekend to recover and play or hide out.

And yet, we need the rule: No meetings on Friday.

Why should we press our luck?

[Photo by Nastuh Abootalebi at Unsplash]

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