Wet-nosed dogs. Slow shaves. Warm showers. Black coffee. Hot buttered toast. Raking leaves. Watching birds. Clouds. Walks. Sea breeze. "Justified." Cold milk. Trimming bushes. A clean car. Fountain pens. Dickens. Studying a leaf. Hawks. Re-reading a well-written paragraph. Orange marmalade. Letter openers. Binoculars. Pizza. Naps. Bicycles. Bacon. Raymond Chandler stories. Classical music stations. Chocolate chip cookies. "Sherlock." Popcorn. Land's End shirts. "Casablanca." Old trucks. Tennyson. Shotguns. Shakespeare. Lightning storms. Copland. Twain. Family trees. Lemonade. Sweat shirts. Spanish. Porches. Faulkner. Camping. Fall. Globes. Swiss Army knives. Shade. Fridays. Smiles. The open road.
[Note: First posted in 2014]
Oh Yes!
Your blog is a monument to the true beauty of simplicity and good things.
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