Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Independence Day: Would You Have Signed?

 I wrote this several years ago and post it each 4th of July:

The document is on the table. 

Although some of your colleagues are making jokes, each one knows that the signature places the signer's head in a hangman's noose. To sign means you will be regarded as a traitor by the nation that has held your loyalty since birth. Your livelihood may be destroyed and your family doomed to a life of isolation and poverty. Many of your friends and associates will be under suspicion. Others will shun you. Your side, which has feeble and poorly-trained forces, will be fighting the greatest military power in the world. Despite all of the grand talk, the odds of success are small. Even if your side is successful, your new nation will be vulnerable to internal disputes and attacks from predatory powers. This theory of self-government, however attractive, might not work.

It's your turn. Will you sign? 


Tim said...

It's really unknowable, but I'd like to think that I would. Just finishing up Chernow's Alexander Hamilton. Incredible.

Michael Wade said...


I have not read that book. I'll add it to my list.



Bloggophereo said...

I read this post every year, and think of my united empire loyalist ancestors.

I guess I've been reading your blog a long time! Thanks!

- Bobbo

Bloggophereo said...

I left a comment here this morning thanking you for your blog, but the comment moderation might have eaten it.

Thanks! Every year I appreciate this post.

- Bobbo

Michael Wade said...


I don't know what happened with the comment moderation but thanks for following the blog!

I deeply appreciate it.
