Monday, September 02, 2013

Great Moments in Decision Making

Out of the following, which alternative name or names did city founders consider before settling on the name of Phoenix?

  1. Salina
  2. Pumpkinville
  3. Stonewall
  4. Hades
  5. Apache 
  6. Desertia
  7. 5 and 6 above
  8. 3 and 4 above
  9. 1, 2, and 3 above
  10. 3, 5, and 6 above
[Answer: 9]


CincyCat said...

Please tell us it was Hades! :)

Crusty Old HR Manager said...

Gotta love Duppa, huh? :-)

Michael Wade said...


That would have been great, but Hades was not a contender. After the group had considered Salina, Pumpkinville, and Stonewall, an English immigrant and adventurer gave a dramatic account of the legend of the Phoenix bird rising from its ashes. He predicted that the town of Phoenix, which was growing because of the farming made possible by irrigation canals that had been dug by a long-departed Indian tribe, would rise from the ashes of that earlier civilization.

And so it did.

We dodged a bullet that day.


Michael Wade said...


There should be a statue of him in downtown Phoenix, if only because of his saving us from those other names.
