Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11

Pick an evil and listen for the explanations. It was childhood, the parents, poverty, the Versailles Treaty, American policy in the Middle East, pills, Israel, the Depression, refugee camps, Madonna, gay rights, guns, talk radio, immigration, wars, big corporations, porn, television, alienation, fundamentalism, settlements, property rights, imperialism, free trade, illegitimacy, militarism, appeasement, Twinkies or some new excuse.

One thing to consider: Evil may not be driven by a rationale that any of us can control.

1 comment:

Dan in Philly said...

Justifications for evil change and yet evil continues.

Some friends of mine point to the starvation of a child as proof there is no God. I see such suffering as proof that there is in fact evil in the world. God has provided a world which can feed every child and cure or at least treat most disease. And yet children starve and diseases are untreated due to the intentional actions of imperfect men and women.

Evil is an actual thing, and it is an actual problem even if you deny it.