Monday, October 07, 2013

Welcome to Work Club!

It is sad that this post is worth reading and pondering. An excerpt:

It is your first day at work.
You are wearing your interview suit, slightly nervous. You sign lots of forms, then eventually are shown to your new desk. Lying on top of your computer’s keyboard is a single sheet of paper, with these words written across the top in marker pen.
“Welcome to Work Club! These are the rules.”

[HT: SquawkPoint]


Kurt Harden said...

I have been incredibly fortunate to have never worked in such an environment. I have encountered companies like these; they weren't good companies and they ran a steady stream of "new" people through their ranks - always someone new who was going to knock our socks until the next new person came along. . .who was going to knock our socks off. I guess they don't like the rules and move on.

Michael Wade said...


Some places are simply dysfunctional and the best thing people working there can do is flee.
