Monday, November 18, 2013

Random Thoughts

It is a challenge to glean the best from success and failure and to know when you are experiencing each. Snake oil peddlers are no longer restricted to the back of wagons. You can find individuals who possess more loyalty to a political leader than they do to their spouse. If Mark Helprin is not our greatest living novelist then he is in the top five. A company that wants to encourage creative thinking might install showers and garden paths. Many a person longs for a job where the dress code is sweatshirt and khakis. Some organizations breed lions and others breed sharks. Never underestimate the ability of incompetents to attract supporters. Life can resemble a poker game in which adversaries seek to distract you. To destroy a society, take away property rights and the rule of law. If you do not have a stack of unread books at home then there is no hope for you. I have known brave soldiers who are intellectuals but I'd never want a university faculty to cover my back. Every day should begin with a good look at the sky. An requirement for a productive meeting is to know what you're talking about. Fumbling praise can be as bad as fumbling criticism. A professional senses when preparation becomes counter-productive. Hell may have a special room for unrealized worries. When you believe that leaders are over-rated, it makes no sense to give them more power. Always check the math.

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