Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Real Does Not Mean Right

You may find yourself in a world where missions gather dust, rules have the strength of cobwebs, procedures multiply and hop in all directions, standards are regarded as archaic, deadlines come with an eraser, laws are relegated to a dark corner, and problems are kicked down the road, but that doesn't mean you are supposed to applaud.

"What is right is right, even if no one is doing it. What is wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it." - Unknown


Kurt Harden said...

Similarly, you may find yourself in a world where the mission is precise but perverted, rules guide you in the wrong direction, procedures make no sense and are enforced with an iron hand. Standards are taught but make no sense. In that world, you have a decision to make.

Michael Wade said...


Good point. I see people who are in dysfunctional surroundings and who stay when the best strategy is to flee. They think they will change a group that does not want to be changed.
