Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Prescription for When You are Down

Sleep. Plenty of water. A good dog. Watching the early morning. A great friend. "Appalachian Spring" by Aaron Copland. A long walk. The Beatles. Jane Austen novels. "A Night at the Opera" with The Marx Brothers. Freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies. Cold milk. Proverbs 3. Bolla Bardolino wine. "The Wind in the Willows." A map of London. Mozart. The "Who's On First?" routine. "Michael" or "Get Shorty"with John Travolta. Swimming. The early Adrian Mole novels by Sue Townsend. "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius. Cleaning something, anything. Shining your shoes. Watching birds. Planting a tree. Helping someone.



Kurt Harden said...

My go-to prescription is Aristotle. The Nicomachean Ethics can brighten any day.

Dan in Philly said...

Thomas Aquinas said when you're feeling depressed, drink a glass of wine, take a warm bath and go to bed early. I can't think of better advice than that.

Michael Wade said...

Kurt and Daniel,

Those are two very distinguished sources.

Excellent ideas.
