Monday, May 11, 2015


I don't know about you but in the past few days I've gotten masses of phishing emails, mainly from China.

At least the ones from the widows in Ivory Coast or Nigeria have a touch of humor or pathos to them but these are the bureaucratic "your message wasn't delivered" scam.

What they may not realize is that I don't care if my message wasn't delivered.

After all, it's the thought that counts.


Jeff said...

For me, it's the phone calls that begin "I am your Microsoft IT person and we have heard from Public Domain that your computer is infected with a virus." (Actually, for some reason, they pronounce it "wy-rus"). The next request is for me to give them remote access to my computer. Sure thing...just let me put you on hold for...hours... :)

Michael Wade said...


There would be loud cheers if any of those people ever got prosecuted.

I haven't gotten one of those calls. All of mine come via email.
