Thursday, July 09, 2015

Checklist for Bad Management

  1. Have limited recruitment so the talent pool is small and inadequate.
  2. Rush through hiring decisions.
  3. Don't consider the changing demands of various jobs.
  4. Cram 80 percent or more of the job under "other duties as assigned."
  5. Don't train the supervisors.
  6. Use a buddy system in lieu of training so the virtues and flaws can be passed on.
  7. Tolerate bullies if their numbers look good.
  8. Promote the office politicians.
  9. Don't go and see.
  10. Regard leadership as a privileged caste.
  11. Don't worry about doing what you say you will do.
  12. Wink at prejudice.
  13. Deny but use quotas.
  14. Use measurements which are obsolete and unchangeable by the time you get them.
  15. Foster disruption via frequent reorganizations.
  16. Let plaintiff attorneys know that you'll settle all cases regardless of merit.
  17. Punish the bearers of bad news.
  18. Hoard information.
  19. Hammer change through from the top on down.
  20. Squander your credibility.
  21. Don't fight to keep good people.
  22. Let turf trump mission.
  23. Regard dissent as disloyalty.
  24. Embrace exotic management techniques and ignore the basics.
  25. Downplay any sense of urgency.
  26. Fire frequently or fire never.
  27. Put a lot of employment at will language in the employee handbook.
  28. Adopt zero tolerance policies.
  29. Consider people to be replaceable.
  30. Take plenty of superficial actions.
  31. Regard humility as a weakness.
  32. Don't let people know how they are doing unless they do something wrong.
  33. Set a lot of goals.
  34. Start bold programs and then let them die from neglect.
  35. Don't keep up your skills.
  36. Have an extensive vocabulary of weasel words.
  37. Avoid confrontation.
  38. Rely on heavily-filtered sources of information.
  39. Dine out on past achievements.
  40. Reward crisis resolution more than crisis prevention.
  41. Consider few options when making decisions.
  42. Let sarcasm be your second language.
  43. Avoid benevolence.
  44. Seek rapid agreement.
  45. Make being right a higher priority than doing right.

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