Monday, July 13, 2015

Modern Celebrity: Key Steps

  • Dress like an elementary school student. 
  • Talk like a reform school student. 
  • Think like a drop-out.


Dan in Philly said...

I was discussing with my wife about why I was so annoyed at the immature antics of celebrities. She wondered why I got upset since their actions didn't affect me at all.
I said it was because they were setting such a bad example for others. Due to their wealth and fame, they don't have to live with the consequences of their poor decisions. This makes them appear bold and even virtuous (courage being the virtue).

But when others who don't have their kind of safety net try to emulate them, crash boom bang. Single parenthood (a sure way to poverty), drug and alcohol abuse, lives not just wasted but spent causing pain and suffering to others.

Michael Wade said...


You're correct. The kids who follow their examples don't wind up at the Betty Ford Clinic.

Check out "The Dream and the Nightmare" by Myron Magnet. One of the best books written on the subject.
