Saturday, July 09, 2016

The Window

I'm toying with the idea of offering a version of my Council Presentation Skills workshop; one that would be more of a customized coaching session rather than formal training. The idea would be to give clients the option of periodically bringing me in to meet with individuals who are scheduled to make important presentations. Rather than getting general information on the topic, they would receive a detailed review and specific suggestions on the upcoming presentations that are set for those in the coaching group. I see this as going into a broader realm than council or board presentations.

Naturally, I'll be surveying clients to see if such a service would be of interest. In order to take it beyond academic interest - anyone can say they'd be interested in a program - I'm grappling with a way to have a window of opportunity that will open and later close at predictable points; an option that can help all parties with planning. There may be a set period each month when such coaching can be booked.

Thinking, thinking, thinking. 

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