Monday, November 13, 2017

Bloom on the Protection of Literature

Old antique books in wooden shelves at the library

I always tell my own students, as I am sure you tell the very best of yours — one must try and set an example: go by yourself, whether in your own room or outdoors somewhere in good weather and start by reading aloud, and listen carefully to what you are overhearing, and read it again and again. If it’s Wallace Stevens or if it is Hart Crane, Faulkner or Emerson, Whitman or Dickinson, or Proust or Kafka or Beckett, or Tolstoy, or any of the great thinkers of the past, you need to hear them, you need to live inside them.

Read the entire Harold Bloom interview at The Huffington Post.

[Photo by Roman Kraft at Unsplash]

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