Friday, February 02, 2018

Free Flow Thinking about Management Thinkers

Marcus Aurelius, Thucydides, Peter Drucker, John Boyd, Arthur Elliott Carlisle, C. Northcote Parkinson, James Q. Wilson, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Richard Tanner Pascale, Henry Mintzberg, Warren Bennis, George C. Marshall, Stephen Covey, Susan Scott, Rushworth M. Kidder, Michael LeBoeuf, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Niccolo Machiavelli, Bob Frisch, Ken Blanchard, Joe Calloway, Alan M. Webber, Nicholas Bate, Seth Godin, Robert Sutton, Tom Peters, Wally Bock, Thomas J. Leonard, Justin Menkes, Fons Trompenaars, Benjamin Franklin, Manfred Kets de Vries, Richard Koch, David Maister, John P. Kotter, Jim Stroup, James Autry, Theodore Levitt, Stanley McChrystal, Daniel Coyle, Tim Ferriss, Ronald Heifetz, and more and more and more.


Jim Stroup said...

A wonderful list - and humbling indeed to be found in it - much appreciated

Michael Wade said...


You are very welcome.
