Friday, December 20, 2024

Who Could Possibly Question This?

 The police could be abolished because people are kind and - once rescued from poverty and racism - wouldn't hurt each other. Homeless addicts can set up long-term communities in public parks because they absolutely will share space conscientiously with local families. Neighborhoods can be given over to protest movements because those protest movements know how to hold themselves accountable, and because city governments are old-fashioned and unnecessary when people are good. We don't need to authorize new housing because we can just ask young professionals not to move to a crowded town, and they'll of course understand. Gender dysphoric children should be given the medical interventions they ask for, at any age they ask, because those children know themselves perfectly. If a non-profit leader says they are spending money on black lives, then that's what they're doing, and to ask for records is part of the problem.

- From Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches from the Wrong Side of History by Nellie Bowles

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